
Pandora first contact download
Pandora first contact download

* Fixed incorrect change log being displayed when going from release to beta with the German written language. * Fixed unit being deselected when selecting a dialogue option that closes the dialogue panel. * Fixed chat input getting unfocused at certain events. * Fixed welcome report being displayed multiple times in multiplayer games. * Fixed crash when changing display modes in the game lobby panel. * Fixed Golden Age being produceable more than once. * Fixed Golden Age effects not being seen the first turn. * Fixed water units in a city not being displaced after the city disappears. * Fixed Wealth giving 3 credits per production instead of 2. * Fixed being able to exploit the Plantary Market to gain infinite money. * Fixed occasional crash when improving ecoregion.

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* Fixed declare war not canceling open borders. * Fixed that diplomacy options could be chosen repeatedly under certain circumstances. * Fixed game pace not having an effect on alien aggression against AI factions. * Improved promotion agent to properly take into account damage and the rank cap. * Doubled Field Training cost from 16 to 32. * Field Training no longer affects units below the damage amount. * Increased Field Training from 10% health damage to 40%. * Field Training now increases the rank only up to 5. * Credits, food, minerals, production and research buildings now give a constant bonus of +2 instead of +2/+4/+8. * Spacebar no longer closes the dialogue panel. * Moved chat to the top to avoid being over the battle panel. * Dialogue panel in multiplayer no longer automatically closes. * Diplomacy panel now displays score of other factions as text and relative to the player. * Moved Xenology from the second subtier to the first. * Formers no longer suffer damage from fungus after completing the fungus cultivation advancement. * Colonization Fervor now spawns where it is produced, consumes a colonist and also provides a colonial trooper. * Building improvements and cities, as well as removing forests, fungus and hives now increases alien aggression (alienAggressionOnAdd, alienAggressionOnRemove in feature xmls). * AI factions and aliens now destroy improvements and roads again. * Added healthDamage attribute to promoteUnits to allow modding Field Training damage. * Morale from difficulty can now be set in the WorldParameters.xml. * Added ability to start a game without any other players. * Added ability to modify players slots in the game lobby after loading a game. * Added ability to queue any uncovered technology for research.

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* Added space, enter and numpad enter keys to updater to download update. * Added escape key to updater to skip update.

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* Advancements now have a production component. By the by, here's the itemized list of changes:

Pandora first contact download